Significance to Humans:
Not Dangerous but will bite if handled
General description:
Well-developed beard (when erect) with enlarged spines across the throat. Robust lizard with a horizontally depressed body and a row of spines along the flanks of the abdomen. Spines are also arranged across the back of the head in a backward curving arc. The mouth is bright yellow and body grey with 2 dorsal rows of pale blotches.
Average length:
250mm snout-vent length.
Habitat in SE Qld:
Woodlands, dry sclerophyll forests and urban and rural areas.
General habits:
Often seen basking on the ground in the morning or perched on tree trunks facing the sun.
Omnivorous consuming a great deal of plant matter such as leaves, fruits and berries. Insects make up about 15% of diet. Will also take small mammals and reptiles.
Local distribution:
Found throughout South East Queensland with the exception of the inner city and elevated closed forests.
Around the home:
One of Australia’s most familiar reptiles due to its size, conspicuous perching behavior and widespread occurrence in populated areas. A popular pet sold in most pet stores.